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We recognise our responsibility to supply our services in a way which is environmentally sustainable and make efforts to reduce the environmental impacts of our activities wherever possible. We take our Environmental Policy extremely seriously, and we employ a Quality and Performance Manager to continuously review this policy and our operations to find ways to become more environmentally friendly. Our ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management Strategy assists us in leaving a lasting legacy of environmental sustainability in the local communities where we operate.

Structec’s conservational efforts include:

  • Segregating, reducing and re-using waste wherever possible, and increasing our recycling rate each year. We have averaged a recycling rate of over 98% during the last 5 years, which reduces the volume of landfill space taken up, and diminishes our carbon footprint as less waste requires transportation to landfills.

  • Operating from modern, purpose-built and thermally efficient offices, diminishing our electricity usage and consequently our carbon footprint.

  • Using builder’s merchants with a certified reputation of providing timber from well-managed and controlled forests, which encourages reduced deforestation.

  • Using locally sourced materials, which alongside Social Value benefits reduces Carbon Dioxide emissions from unnecessary transportation.

  • Investment in the modernisation of our fleet, which includes more fuel efficient and lower emission vehicles, to meet Euro6 standards.

  • Investment in the Quartix Vehicle Tracker system which monitors driver performance, and the relaying of this information during monthly Toolbox Talks to encourage employees to drive in a more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly manner. 

  • Investment in the JobLogic Mobile Working system, which allows for the digital transmission of information from operatives’ smartphones directly to the office, reducing fuel usage on unnecessary trips and paper wastage.

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Windsor House, North Mersey Business Centre,
Woodward Road, Knowsley Industrial Park North,
Merseyside, L33 7UY

© Structec (NW) Limited 2020

T  0151 546 2929      F  0151 546 2992

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