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Social Value

At Structec, we recognise that we are not just a supplier of building and maintenance services, but a corporate body with a social responsibility to supply those services in an ethical way. To this end, we aim to support and protect our employees, customers and local communities through a variety of social benefit programmes, cementing our links with these corporate stakeholders.

We recognise that we owe our business success to the people and businesses of the North West region, where we conduct the majority of our operations. Therefore, we try where possible to support local suppliers and their workforces by sourcing materials locally, continuing investment in the regional economy and construction industry. We have a network of subcontractors based in the region who provide a range of ancillary and support services to our contracted works. We have established a relationship of mutual benefit in partnership with these businesses, whereby we are supported in the conduct of our operations and they are allowed the opportunity to grow as businesses by consistent and reliable work.

Structec is also a huge investor in people, recognising the necessity for us to train the next generation of construction industry professionals. We run our own apprenticeship scheme for young people wishing to make a start in the industry and enhance their employability with practical skills and NVQ Qualifications. Please visit our Training Page for more information. Fair treatment of our employees is a paramount concern, and therefore we are a Living Wage employer.


The team regularly partakes in charitable initiatives, ranging from local charities such as the Knowsley Food Bank and the Liverpool Whitechapel Centre, to nationwide charities such as the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM). We are in a fortunate position to be able to help these causes and feel a strong responsibility to do so, whether through sponsored events or contribution of employee time and resources. Please visit our News Page for more information on the fantastic charity work undertaken by our team.

Structec is also a huge investor in people, recognising the necessity for us to train the next generation of construction industry professionals. We run our own apprenticeship scheme for young people wishing to make a start in the industry and enhance their employability with practical skills and NVQ Qualifications.

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Windsor House, North Mersey Business Centre,
Woodward Road, Knowsley Industrial Park North,
Merseyside, L33 7UY

© Structec (NW) Limited 2020

T  0151 546 2929      F  0151 546 2992

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