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Health and Safety

At Structec, the Health and Safety is at the forefront of our concerns when managing our Building and Maintenance operations. We employ many strategies in order to ensure that individuals and property are not affected negatively by our practices. Our Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) Registration and membership of Constructionline verify this commitment to H&S, and we employ highly qualified Professional Safety Advisors, Rawlings Safety & Training Consultancy Services.

Our Safety Advisors ensure that our Health and Safety documentation is accurate and up-to-date with an annual audit of our Health and Safety Policy and documentation. They also ensure that any changes are conveyed to staff in monthly Toolbox Talks, and oversee that our employees are adequately qualified and trained in the following prior to commencing work:

  • General Health and Safety duties and legislation;

  • Workplace Risk Assessments and Method Statements;

  • Manual and safe handling knowledge and techniques;

  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH);

  • Asbestos related awareness and hazards;

  • Use of cutting and grinding tools and equipment;

  • Fire Safety Awareness Training

This helps to ensure that our workforce is suitably prepared for a construction environment and that the risks and dangers are minimised. Furthermore, we risk assess all of our work schemes for this same purpose, and have an accident-reporting and management system in place for when incidents do occur.

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Windsor House, North Mersey Business Centre,
Woodward Road, Knowsley Industrial Park North,
Merseyside, L33 7UY

© Structec (NW) Limited 2020

T  0151 546 2929      F  0151 546 2992

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