Geoff Davies, the Quality and Performance Manager at Structec joined more than 8,000 runners on the waterfront for the Liverpool Half Marathon on Sunday 23rd March. Structec nominated the Marie Currie “Great Daffodil Appeal 2014” as their chosen charity for this event.
Despite difficult weather conditions, Geoff finished in 1 hour 39 minutes for the 13.1 mile run which started and finished at the Pier Head.
Geoff explained he was pleased with his time, finishing in the first 900 runners of the six and a half thousand finishers, though it was a little slower than previous results because of weather conditions on the day. The strong winds and rain during the last four miles along the waterfront slowed the final times greatly. Hopefully, the weather for his next event on Sunday 25th May, the Liverpool Rock & Roll Marathon, will be much calmer and a little warmer!!